KFC Games National Finalists 2023

Warmest greetings and heartfelt congratulations on your remarkable journey this far!

We eagerly anticipate and proudly organise this extraordinary event each year, bringing together 42 exceptional individuals from only seven teams across Australia. While those outside the company may struggle to grasp the sheer magnitude of this occasion, those of us who have been part of it for years understand the whirlwind of emotions, the thrill of excitement, and even the occasional butterflies that flutter within you as the event approaches.

Amidst the adrenaline and competition, it's crucial to remember that, no matter the outcomes on the day, you and your team have already achieved something truly remarkable. The truth is, hiccups may occur, nerves may play tricks, and frustration may briefly surface, but we implore you to cast aside these fleeting moments and gain some perspective...

You are the cream of the crop, the top 42 Team Members out of our vast family of 45,000 employees!

For those not already in Sydney, you'll soon have the chance to journey to this vibrant city, where you'll not only excel in competition but also experience joy, be your very best, and leave an indelible mark on yourselves, your teammates, and our beloved Brand.

In the grand scheme of things, please don't dwell too hard on any minor mishaps. Instead, bask in the glow of your triumphs, regardless of the final score. Each of you has ample reason to hold your heads high.

A few housekeeping requests, if we may:

  1. Extend courtesy and respect to fellow hotel guests.
  2. Embrace the camaraderie and friendships that often blossom during KFC Games.
  3. If you're underage, please DO NOT consume alcohol.
  4. Remember, Reagan Beveridge and Tamara Sheens are here to support you. Don't hesitate to reach out with any concerns.
  5. Above all else, have a blast and seize the full potential of this astounding opportunity!

We extend our heartfelt thanks for your dedication, and we wish you safe travels to Sydney, where the next chapter of your adventure awaits.

Warm Regards,

Reagan & Tamara